Ancient Lapita Culture Navigators South Pacific When Ice Age Ended Submerged Ruins of Taiwan Ryukyu Islands Proof


Most darwinists say that the islands of the south Pacific were first settled long before the Lapita culture spread and produced its wares (pottery and obsidian tools) from circa 1500 b. c. for a thousand years, yet the Lapita culture is the first evidence of human occupation on those islands, now consider how would mariners supposedly tens of thousands of years previously have navigated to those tiny dots in the vast sea, by just randomly drifting about the darwinists say? Of course the Lapita culture’s spread jibes perfectly with the biblical timeline, that the Ice Age began to end circa 1500 b. c. when buildings now submerged off Taiwan (such as the “Tiger Wall”) and off the nearby Ryukyu islands of southern Japan (such as off Yonaguni) were abandoned and some sailed away knowing always where they were at sea by the precession mapping method explained at the Page titled Great Pyramid for navigation.