TV Evangelists Pathetically Shy Away from Truth of Book Genesis Afraid to Confront Mainstream Science by Watershed Issue


Elohim has provided us all the information needed to combat the notion that life evolved from one cell a billion years ago, the cornerstone of Satan’s strategy to undermine the Word, so why do pastors and evangelists shrug almost sighing when the subject of the veracity of the book of Genesis comes up, are they afraid to study or just afraid to be called a flat-earth freak? They have no excuse in not defending Genesis as it reads (contradictorily to how the old earth creationists and darwinists wish that it would read), considering the material here at Pages to the right and Categories the Proofs of History and Ages of Things, also the material at the Genesis Veracity Foundation, so please apprise your favorite pastors of these resources, that they many join in the battle to establish the truth of all the Word.